sunnuntai 15. heinäkuuta 2012

Saurath village in Bihar

I visited in June in Saurath village in state of Bihar. We got to know some of the 5000 villagers, how they live and what services are there available in the village and nearby.

Drishtee, a civil society actor, helps this village with logistics service targeted for small shop keepers. The service cars bring sales items for the shops in small quantities. I saw how the driver brought 10 single use pouches of shampoo to one shop.

Drishtee serves the village with a computer center. Villagers can learn there to use computers, software and internet use.

The medical center nearby serves mainly pregrant women. Here is the reception.

Colors here and there.

Animal dung is used as fuel. The shapes of the cakes are innovative.

Sami from EarthHouse Finland Ltd was part of our group. He tested their housing consept in the village with a small scale model that fits in luggage. Villagers made the walls and the roof of the house from local materials with local methods. And they were really excited about the possibilities. For more information, visit Earth House Systems

Three solar panels charge batteries of the street lamps.

I found a page of a notebook of an English learner.

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