sunnuntai 13. maaliskuuta 2011

Photos from Old Delhi and a cow in Vasant Vihar

Red Fort - Marble art with a guard:

Red Fort - Area where the ruler met common people (I almost missed the stairs):

Men without safety goggles working on marble on the street close to Red Fort:

At least three streets in Chawri Bazar were full of metal sellers. Everything you could think of. Huge valves. Steel in different shapes and sizes. How can someone move their shopping basket out from here?

Food items and spices here and there on the streets:

Metro ride from Chandni Chown (closest to Red Fort) to AIIMS (closest to Shanti Niketan) at 5 pm on Saturday. Not too bad of a crowd.

Cow encounter in Vasant Vihar during my Sunday walk. First one for me. Took three weeks of driving and walking around in Delhi to find the first one.

BTW: I love my cell phone's camera capabilities. Great photos (especially when you think it is a phone), automatic uploads, geotagging, etc.

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